Sample Jury List

1740 Chowan County North Carolina Jury List

Chowan County was formed in 1670 as a precinct in Albermarle County. It was named in honor of an Indian tribe, Chowanor, which lived in the northeastern part of the Colony. It is in the northeastern section of the State and is bounded by Albermarle Sound, Chowan River and Bertie, Hertford, Gates and Perquimans counties. The present area is 180 square miles. In 1720 Edenton which was named in honor of Governor Charles Eden was established. In 1722 it was designated and has continued to be the county seat. There was no description of the precinct when it was established.

Adam Abraham Sr
Adam Jacob
Adams Peter
Adams John
Alston John
Ambrose David
Anderson Joseph
Arkill William
Baker Henry
Benbury William
Benbury John
Bice William
Blackball Abraham
Blanchard Benjamin
Blanchard Aaron
Blount John
Blount Thomas
Blount James
Bond Lewis
Bond Henry
Bond Richard
Bonnor John
Brinkley Michael
Brinkley John
Browne James
Butler Jacob
Butler David
Campbell Charles
Casand Gabriel
Champin Joseph
Champin Orlando
Champion Edward
Champion John
Collins Thomas
Coston James
Craven James
Daniel William
Deal Charles
Egerton James
Everton Thomas
Farlee James
Faulconer John
Faulconer Thomas
Fillaw William
Folks James
Fraizure Richard
Freeman John
Freeman Richard
Freeman William
Freeman Thomas
Fullaw James
Fullington Robert
Gale Miles
Garrett Thomas
Garrott Humphrey
Gegory Luke
Goodwin John
Guston Henry
Halsey John
Handing William
Hare Edward
Hare Moses
Harlow Jonothan
Harrold Samuell
Haughton William
Haughton David
Haughton Thomas
Haughton William
Haughton Joshua
Haughton Richard
Hays William
Herrington Thomas
Hill Henry
Hill Moses
Hill Abraham
Hill William
Hinton James
Hobbs Thomas
Hodgson John
Hoskins William
Hoskins Thomas
Howcutt Edward
Hughs William
Hunter Ephraim
Hunter William
Hurdle Martin
Jones John Jr
Jones Henry
Jones Thomas
Jones Thomas Sr
Jones John Sr
Jones William
Jones Thomas Jnr
Jones Abraham
Jones Titus
Jones William
Jones John
Kelly John
King Chas
Lassiter Robert
Lassiter John
Lassiter Moses
Lassiter Gabriel
Lester Edward
Lewis John
Lewis William
Lisles George
Lisles William
Lisles Henry
Luton Thomas
Luton William
Luton Thomas
Measles John
Mester Lodowick
Ming Joseph
Ming Nathaniel
Mitchener John
Montgomery John
Norris Thomas
Oliver Alexa
Outlaw Ralph
Pain Peter
Parker John
Penrice Frances
Penrice John
Phelps Walter
Plumer Samuell Laban
Powell Jacob
Print Jacob
Reddick William
Rice John
Richards John
Robinson Humphrey
Robinson Thomas
Ronson John
Ross Andrew
Roundtree Thomas Sr
Roundtree Charles
Roundtree Moses
Silney John
Siston Henderson
Slaughter Michael
Speight William
Spivey Thomas
Spivey Jacob
Spivey Benjamin
Stacey William
Stevens Thomas
Taylor John
Thomas John
Thomas Robt
Trotter James
Turner Thomas Ward
Vail John
Vann Jonothan
Vann William
Walbutton Jonothan
Wallace John
Wallace Thomas
Walton Thomas
Walton William
Walton William Jr
Ward Thomas
Ward John Jr
Ward Thomas
Ward Michael
Ward John Sr
White Thomas
White George
White Luke
Wilkins William
Wilkins John
Williams tetha
Wilson William
Wilson James
Young Peter

3 thoughts on “1740 Chowan County North Carolina Jury List”

  1. Good evening,
    From the fact that Thomas Eason’s name does not appear on this published list, yet is the first one on the grand jury men list, I am assuming that the illustration is not a copy of the actual 1740 Chowan County North Carolina Jury List.
    Love the fact that you posted this list. It shows how valuable alternate sources of information can be to the historian and genealogists.
    John F. Speight

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