1794 Will of John Allen, Craven County

John Allen of Craven County, North Carolina, drafted his last will on October 7, 1794. He bequeathed his plantation and 700 acres of land to his wife, Ann G. Allen, for her widowhood, along with enslaved individuals, livestock, and household goods. His children, Mary, Burton, Burton Allen, and John Burton Allen, received extensive landholdings and slaves to be divided upon Mary’s sixteenth birthday. Cash and property were to be equally divided among his children. Executors were Shadrach Allen and Robert Williams. The will was proven in court in March 1795.

The will transcription below has added punctuation, capital letters, and corrected spelling of common words, to make it easier to read and understand. See the original images below for an exact copy.


In the name of God, Amen.

I, John Allen, of the County of Craven and State of North Carolina, being of sound and perfect mind and memory, blessed be God, do this 7th day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-four, make and publish this my last will and testament in the following manner:

I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife, Ann G. Allen, the land and plantation whereon I now live, including five hundred acres in one patent and two hundred acres on the back of said tract, patented by myself, lying and being on the Sandy Thoroughfare. The said land is given to her during her widowhood and no longer. I also lend unto my said wife one Negro man named Cesar, one Negro man named Yellow Jack, one Negro boy named Martin, and one Negro girl named Eakse during her widowhood.

I also give unto my wife one Negro woman, Mama Hannah, and her four children, namely Cass, Simon, Merica, and Bill, to her, her heirs, and offspring forever. Also, three head of horses, to wit: one black mare, one ball-faced horse, and the demby mare, on the condition that she raises the colt for my daughter, Mary Allen. Additionally, I bequeath ten head of cattle, my stock of sheep, all my farming tools, and all my household furniture, except three beds and furniture complete and one pair of the best curtains, which I shall hereafter give to my children.

I give my wife two hundred dollars in cash, one double chair and harness, and all my stock of hogs except those intended for market this year.

Item: I give and bequeath unto my daughter, Mary Allen, two plantations on Swift Creek, the two tracts containing three hundred and fifty acres purchased of William Charlson and Phillip Causey. Also, one other plantation in Piney Neck, known as John Anderson’s Plantation, with a warrant of one hundred acres adjoining the said Anderson tract. Additionally, one hundred and fifty acres known as Rumleys Hill, and two hundred and seventy acres lying in the County of Beaufort purchased of Thomas Worsly, to her, her heirs, and assigns forever.

Item: I give and bequeath unto my son, Burton Allen, the Island plantation containing two hundred acres, with one hundred acres adjoining by a grant in my own name. Another adjoining plantation, containing one hundred acres, is known as Adam’s Place. One other adjoining plantation, known by Manker Place, contains two hundred and twenty acres. Another adjoining plantation, known by Phillips’ Place, contains five hundred acres. Two other adjoining plantations, containing two hundred and seventy acres, are known by the all Cox Lands. Another plantation, containing one hundred and twenty acres known as the Phillingain Land. To him, his heirs, and assigns forever.

Item: I give and bequeath unto my son, John Burton Allen, the plantation whereon I now live and all the lands adjoining. Also, six hundred and forty acres lying in Cumberland, and all my other lands that are not previously given away, to him, his heirs, and assigns forever.

Item: And all my Negro slaves are to be equally divided among my three children: Mary Allen, Burton Allen, and John Burton Allen.

And when my daughter, Mary Allen shall arrive at the age of sixteen, the said Negroes and their increase shall be put into three classes of equal value as near as possible, and she shall draw for her lot. My eldest son shall also draw in like manner when he shall arrive at the age of eighteen and the remaining lot shall be my youngest son, John Burton Allen. To them, their heirs, and assigns forever.

Item: Also I give unto my daughter, Mary Allen, one good bed and furniture complete, with a set of my best curtains.

Item: I also give unto my son, Burton Allen, one bed and furniture.

Item: I also give unto my son, John Burton Allen, one bed and furniture.

Item: My cash in hand and debts of every kind are to be carefully collected by my executors and equally divided between my three children—Mary Allen, Burton Allen, and John Burton Allen. If my executors find it secure to lend the money at interest, they may do so.

Item: I give and bequeath unto my brother, Shadrach Allen, one bay horse named Hiderally. To him, his heirs, and assigns forever.

Item: I give and bequeath unto my mother, Jemima Allen, one riding chair and harness during her natural life. After her death, it shall go to my daughter, Mary Allen.

Item: My will and desire is that all my stock of horses and cattle, along with all the rest of my property not mentioned in the aforementioned will, be sold by my executors on twelve months’ credit. All the money arising from such sale shall be equally divided among my three children as aforesaid.

I hereby make and ordain my worthy friends, Shadrach Allen and Robert Williams, my executors of this, my last will and testament.

In witness whereof, I, the said John Allen, have set my hand and seal to this, my last will and testament, the day and year above written.

Signed, sealed, published, and declared by the said John Allen, the testator, as his last will and testament in the presence of us who were present at the time of the signing and sealing thereof:

Stephen Harris
Simon Burney
Sukey Bryan

John Allen (Seal)

State of North Carolina, Craven County
March Term 1795

The within last will and testament of John Allen, late of Craven County, deceased, was produced in open court and proved by the oath of Stephen Harris, one of the subscribing witnesses, agreeable to law. At the same time, Shadrach Allen, one of the executors named therein, appeared in court and qualified according to law.

Ordered that letters testamentary be issued.

Saml. Chapman, Clerk

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