North Carolina Vital Records

Vital records, as their name suggests, are connected with central life events: birth, marriage, and death. Maintained by civil authorities, they are prime sources of genealogical information; but, unfortunately, official vital records are available only for relatively recent periods. These records, despite their recent creation in the United States, are critically important in genealogical research, often supplying details on family members well back into the nineteenth century. The Source: A Guidebook of American Genealogy, by Loretto Szucs and Sandra Luebking.  North Carolina State Database
A large collection of databases of births, deaths, marriages, census, obituaries, directories, estate records, and service records.  Get 14 Days Free Access!!!

North Carolina Vital Records

1903 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1903
(919) 733-3000
Fax: (919) 733-1511

Make personal check or money order payable to North Carolina Vital Records. Be sure and provide name of individual, county of birth or death, approximate year of birth or death, requestor’s relationship and purpose of request. For birth certificates full names of parents, including mother’s maiden name, must be given.

Downloadable applications to request a birth or death certificate are available on the North Carolina Center for Health Statistics web site.

Birth  $10.00  Since 1913  Order Form North Carolina Vital Records

Death  $10.00  Since 1956  Order FormNorth Carolina Vital Records

North Carolina State Archives

Marriage – Divorce $10.00  Since Jan 1962  Order FormNorth Carolina Vital Records


After 1868
Records should be available from the Register of Deeds in the county where the marriage was performed. Fees vary.


Since 1958  Order FormIf the records are not available at the North Carolina Vital Records office, they should be available from the Clerk of Superior Court in the county where the divorce was granted. Fees vary.