North Carolina Immigration Records

The Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) has duplicate records of all naturalization’s that occurred after September 26, 1906. Requests for information must be made through a Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act request, sent to:

2nd Floor, ULLB
425 I Street NW
Washington, DC 20536

INS Historical Reference Library

Chester Arthur Building (CAB)
425 I Street NW
Washington, DC 20536

Information about the INS Historical Reference Library collection and services, documents concerning the history of the Service as well as of immigration law, procedure, and immigration stations, and instructions for historical and genealogical research using INS records.

Immigration and Naturalization Records from National Archives

Naturalization of Members of the US Armed Forces During World War I
A historical article from the INS about the reduced or waived requirements for US citizenship during WWI.

Changing Immigrant Names
A historical article from the INS about immigrants changing their names or taking assumed names upon entering the United States.

American Names / Declaring Independence
An essay at the INS website about immigrants’ tendency to change their names.

Baden, Germany Emigration Index, 1866-1911 – Free Search
In 1814 the Congress of Vienna recognized Baden as a sovereign member of the German Confederation. For more than 100 years following this event, Baden would be involved in both political and economic turmoil, which led many people to leave the area. While it may take months or years to find an American document stating where an immigrant ancestor was born or resided in Germany, searching emigration records may produce that information in far less time. This index, compiled by the Badischen Generallandesarchive Karlsruhe and microfilmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, contains the names of over 28,000 persons who left Baden between 1866 and 1911. Each entry includes the emigrant’s name, residence or place of birth, and the year of departure. Wives were not indexed separately unless they traveled alone or with their children. Children who left with one or both parents were not indexed. Some cards state that the person whose name is listed was traveling with “five persons” without naming each individual. The emigration lists were sent from district offices scattered throughout the state of Baden, to one central office. From these lists a card index was developed. This electronic index was translated and keyed from the microfilmed copy of the records. Anyone with ancestry based in this German state should find these records interesting. (A paid database)

Irish Records Extraction Database – Free Search
This 100,000 name database of Irish vital records is unique for two reasons. First, it represents one of the first major databases of records from outside the continental United States. This posting represents the beginnings of a vigorous international content acquisition effort. Second, rather than just raw data, this database is accompanied by a significant amount of contextual and historical information. This information can help researchers understand the significance and the source of the data and also extend their research beyond the names available in the database. (A paid database)

United States Ship Passenger Lists

United States Migration

First Settler’s
Tracing Your American Immigrant Ancestor: AHGP’s project ran by Susan Dorris, which is attempting to bridge the gap of our American ancestor’s and their relatives over the “pond.”

History of the German settlements and of the Lutheran church in North and South Carolina
From the earliest period of the colonization of the Dutch, German and Swiss settlers to the close of the first half of the present century.


They Came in Ships
They Came in Ships is the first comprehensive manual to navigate the vast landscape of these ship records!
Author John Philip Colletta will guide you through the difficult task of uncovering and understanding these essential records. You’ll learn where and how to begin your search for your ancestors! Study the sample research scenarios to make your research time more effective! Colletta has even introduced a special chapter in this edition dedicated to helping you find a ship if your ancestor arrived in a year not included in National Archives! (A book for purchase)