Mecklenburg County, North Carolina History and Genealogy

Mecklenburg County was formed in 1762 from Anson county, and named in honor of the native place of the new Queen, Princess Charlotte, of Mecklenburg, one of the smaller German States. This county has a peculiar historical interest. It is the birth-place of liberty on American soil. No portion of the State presents a more glowing page of unflinching patriotic valor than Mecklenburg, always taking an active part in every political movement, at home or abroad, leading to independence. The temper and character of the people were early shown. In 1766, George A. Selwyn, having obtained, by some means, large … Read more

Jack Family of Mecklenburg County

At the commencement of the Revolutionary War, one of the worthy and patriotic citizens of the little town of Charlotte, in Mecklenburg county, N.C., was Patrick Jack. He was a native of Ireland, and emigrated to America, with several brothers, about 1730. He married Lillis McAdoo, of the same race, who is represented to have been, by all who knew her, as “one of the best of women,” having an amiable disposition, frequently dispensing charities to the poor, and truly pious. Her Christian name, “Lillis”, in subsequent years, was softened into “Lillie”, by many of her descendants in adopting it. … Read more

James Belk, A Veteran Invited Guest

Among the honored invited guests of the Mecklenburg Centennial, on the 20th of May, 1775, was James Belk, of Union county (formerly a part of Mecklenburg), now upwards of one hundred and ten years old! As recorded in a family Bible, printed in Edinburg in 1720, he was born on the 4th of February, 1765. He still resides on the same tract of land upon which he was born and raised, his father being one of the original settlers of the country. He is a man of fine intelligence; acted for many years as one of the magistrates of Mecklenburg … Read more

Joseph Kerr, The Cripple Spy

Joseph Kerr was born in Chester county, Pa., Nov. 3rd, 1750. At an early age moved with his parents to North Carolina, and settled in Mecklenburg county. He was a “cripple from infancy”, but becoming indignant at the ravages of the British and Tories, and actuated with a true, patriotic spirit, he repaired to the camp of Gen. McDowell and offered his services as “a spy”. In this capacity Gen. McDowell accepted him, and immediately sent him to Blackstock’s Ford, on Tiger River, S.C., where the British and Tories were encamped, about fifteen hundred strong. After secreting his horse he … Read more

Ladies of the Revolutionary Period

It has been well said that “patriotic mothers nursed the infancy of the Republic.” During the progress of British encroachment and arbitrary power, producing great colonial discontent, every sagacious politician could discern in the distant future the portentous shadow of the approaching conflict. In the domestic circle was then nurtured and imparted that love of civil liberty which afterwards kindled into a flame, and shed its genial and transforming light upon the world. The conversation of matrons in their homes, or among their neighbors, was of the people’s wrongs and of the tyranny that oppressed them. Under such early training … Read more

Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Biographies

Biographical Sketches of Western North Carolina Illustrating Principally the Revolutionary Period of Mecklenburg, Rowan, Lincoln and Adjoining Counties of Burke, Cabarrus, Cleaveland, Gaston, Iredell, and Wilkes. The biographies have been extracted from this manuscript and presented here as part of our larger biographies collection. As with most historical manuscripts, these biographies should provide a glimpse into the genealogy of the leading men and the occasional women of the western North Carolina area. Biography of Abraham Alexander Biographical Sketch of Adam Alexander Biography of Captain Charles Alexander Biographical Sketch of Dan Alexander Biographical Sketch of Elijah Alexander Biographical Sketch of Hezekiah … Read more

Origin of the Alexander Families of Mecklenburg County

The name, Alexander, is of frequent mention among the nobility of Scotland. About the year 1735 John Alexander married Margaret Gleason, a “bonnie lassie” of Glasgow, and shortly afterward emigrated to the town of Armagh, in Ireland. About 1740, wishing to improve more rapidly his worldly condition, he emigrated with his rising family, two nephews, James and Hugh Alexander, and their sister, who was married to a Mr Polk, to America, and settled in Nottingham, Chester county, Pa. These two nephews, and their brother-in-law, Polk, soon afterward emigrated to Mecklenburg county, North Carolina, then holding forth flattering inducements for settlement. … Read more

Battle of Hanging Rock

“Catawba’s waters smiled again To see her Sumter’s soul in arms! And issuing from each glade and glen, Rekindled by war’s fierce alarms, Thronged hundreds through the solitude Of the wild forests, to the call Of him whose spirit, unsubdued, Fresh impulse gave to each, to all.” On the 5th of August, 1780, the detachments of the patriots met again at Land’s Ford, on the Catawba. Major Davie had not lost a single man in his last dashing exploit. The North Carolina militia, under Colonel Irwin and Major Davie, numbered about five hundred men, officers and privates; and about three … Read more

Charlotte, the Seat of Justice

The little village of Charlotte, the seat of justice for Mecklenburg county, was in 1775, the theater of one of the most memorable events in the political annals of the United States. Situated on the beautiful and fertile campaign, between the Yadkin and Catawba Rivers, and on the general route of the Southern travel, and among the earliest settlements in the Carolinas and Georgia, it soon became the centre of an enterprising and prosperous population. The fertility of the soil, the healthfulness of the climate, and abundance of cheap and un-appropriated lands, were powerful inducements in drawing a large influx … Read more